Saturday, May 2, 2015

President Bush's 2015 W100K bike ride: Healing the invisible wounds of war

President Bush's 2015 W100K bike ride: Healing the invisible wounds of war

Up ahead the mountain bikes cross the trail in perfect military alignment, their tires lining up as one, until a warrior falls. And then a swarm of hands reaches down to help.

It is the fifth annual W100K Warrior Mountain Bike Ride on President George W. Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. The former president and commander in chief still leads by example. He is at the front of the pack, setting the standard for negotiating the turns and climbs.

The theme this year is the invisible wounds of war – post traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. Out of over 2 million men and women who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, one in five suffers from PTS. And yet, as retired Army sergeant and medic Leslie Zimmerman said to me, sufferers don't feel they deserve to be called wounded, because their wounds aren't apparent.

Out of over 2 million men and women who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, one in five suffers from PTS. And yet, as retired Army sergeant and medic Leslie Zimmerman said to me, sufferers don't feel they deserve to be called wounded, because their wounds aren't apparent.

Read the full article here.


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